
TheScope – Best Of St John’s 2011


Its that time of year again, The Scope’s Best of St. John’s issue is on stands now, and I was fortunate enough to work with some fun people again this year.

BOSJ Mark Critch
Mark Critch, for example was awesome, and given his tight schedule over the holidays he was up for anything i threw at him. It worked out that he was at the BOSJ awards party at the Rockhouse, where I was set up with this years photobooth. We decided on a mashup with “whattaya at” – best local slang.

Below are a couple more winners from the booth.

BOSJ  allfour

Best of at the rock house
1 – Awesome random rockhouse emloyees (?)
2 – Mireille Eagan – Best Exhibit
3 – Stacey Tuttle – Best Bayman
4 – Meg, Robbie, & Tyler from Repartee – Best Album Artwork

BOSJ Elling & Bryh
Elling & Bryh cuteness Editor and publisher Elling & Bryhanna, the brains behind the Scope.

BOSJ best Punk band 1/3

BOSJ best Punk band 2/3

BOSJ best Punk band 3/3

Above there you’ll see a couple of snaps of the band “Over the Top” they won best new punks, and this year at the scope there was a bit of a fun mashup concept, so these shots are also for best carwash (ESSO on anderson avenue) so in meshing them together we decided to get the guys all dirty and grimy looking, fire them in the car wash and my lovely assistants almost passed out blowing bubbles. (We couldn’t find a bubble machine – dead of winter and all) add to that some suds and we were gold. I’d like to thank the guys from the band AND the manager at the esso for being so accomodating for our shoot.

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