
Repartee – Album Promo shoot!



The Main Promo Shot You might see floating around
Album Sleeve Design By Alexander Pierson Featuring two of my shots of the gang.

I can’t say enough how fun it is shooting for Meg and the rest of the Repartee crew. Even under pressure and stress with last minute album polishing these guys were just so cool.




I am listening to their just released album as I write this. Its almost impossible to give it a listen with out bopping your head. Its got such good rhythm, just the right amount of synth and Meg’s voice is so smooth. Its an honour and a privilege to have worked with Repartee a few times in the past year.

I love the props in this last shot. This was made down at Model Citizens, rather on the fly. The people from the shop were amazing to deal with – they let us have pretty much full reign. Half of the props were brought from my personal collection, but we found a few really choice pieces down at the store. My favourite being the bunny.
To hear some tracks from the album check out their site over at Though, i would just run out and buy it.
Or see their super cool featured live recording of “I Would Die Before You” on

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