
Labour day Weekend’s got me thinking


This time of year, with the influx of the university crowd and the kids getting ready to head back to school always gets my nostalgic. So with the labor day weekend out of the way, and fall right around the corner i’ve been looking through my archives Seeing what i’d been up to, around this time last year…

It appears that i was gearing up for the Canadian Home Builders’ Association of Newfoundland’s 2010 Berg Awards! Rather then doing the traditional grin and grip type shots for the gala dinner I decided to try and glitz it up a bit with informal candid shots from pre and post show with some fun “studio like” shots as the award winners stepped off stage left, and into my hands.

Heres how things worked out!

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In the end I think it’s safe to say that everyone on hand had a great time, myself included. Heres hoping that their 2011 gala will be just as special!

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